Composite Horoscope

A composite horoscope is calculated to understand the dynamics, purpose, and energy of a relationship as a whole. It treats the relationship itself as a unique entity, rather than focusing solely on the individuals involved.

A composite horoscope is calculated by determining the midpoints of the planetary positions in two natal charts.

The result includes the planetary positions and aspects within the composite chart. Additionally, the individual radix or natal charts are also provided for reference.

Basic Flow

To generate a Composite Horoscope from the AstroAPI, the system (your implementation) makes a POST-request to the /api/composite endpoint with the necessary parameters. With correct parameters the AstroAPI will provide a full composite horoscope in JSON-format + astrological wheel image url.

Generating a Composite Horoscope

POST /api/composite

Header Value
Accept-Encoding application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer [accessToken]


    "name_1": "Matthias",
    "date_1": "1984-03-27",
    "time_1": "13:13",
    "place_id_1": 1250015082,

    "name_2": "Lady Gaga",
    "date_2": "1986-03-28",
    "time_2": "22:55",
    "place_id_2": 1840034016,

    "lang": "en",

    "orbs": { // Customise orbs
      "opposition": { // Specify aspect type
        "0": 5, // Sun. Specify planet ID
        "1": 5, // Moon
        "default": 3 // Default value for unspecified planets
      "conjunction": 3, // Orb value for all planets for a specific aspect type
      "square": 3

Params explanation

Header Value
name The name of the person or event you wish to create a composite horoscope for
date The (birth)date of the person or event in format YYYY-mm-dd
time The (birth)time of the person or event in format HH:mm
lang The language you wish to receive the astrological interpretation texts associated with the horoscope in. Default: 'nl'


Example response for Composite

Full JSON-response File

JSON-object Astrological naming Explanation Custom Text
profile1 Information about Person 1 this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
profile2 Information about Person 2 this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
intro Text as intro with general info about the composite horoscope. Yes
planets Planets in Signs Influence of the planets on the person/event. Calculation for each planet. *e.g. Jupiter in Aries in House 4 Yes
elements Basic Elements Strength of the basic elements on the horoscope based on the planetary connotations. e.g. Mercury = Fire planet With lots of Fire planets in the horoscope the Fire strength increases. Yes
zodiacpoints Zodiac Elements Strength Strength of the zodiac signs in the horoscope. e.g. Taurus: strength 5 Yes (for strength > 4)
housecusps House Cusps The signs on the different house cusps of the astrological chart Yes
aspects Aspects The interplanetary relations in degrees that form bonds. *e.g. 180° = Opposite aspect Yes
wheel Astrological Wheels URL to the generated Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation. -

Astrological wheel

    "wheel": "/img/composite_example.png",

Composite wheel
