Synastry Horoscope

A synastry chart compares two natal charts to analyze the relationship dynamics between two individuals.

We start by examining the aspects between the horoscope of the person requesting the analysis (the questioner) and their partner.

In the first phase, we focus on the aspects formed by the questioner’s horoscope in relation to the partner’s horoscope. The questioner is the individual who provides their birth data or requests the synastry chart.

In the next phase, we analyze the aspects formed by the partner’s horoscope in relation to the questioner’s horoscope, offering a complete picture of the interaction between the two charts.

Basic Flow

To generate a Synastry Horoscope from the AstroAPI, the system (your implementation) makes a POST-request to the /api/synastry endpoint with the necessary parameters. With correct parameters the AstroAPI will provide a full synastry horoscope in JSON-format + 3 astrological wheel image urls.

Generating a Synastry Horoscope

POST /api/synastry

Header Value
Accept-Encoding application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer [accessToken]


    "name_1": "Matthias",
    "date_1": "1984-03-27",
    "time_1": "13:13",
    "place_id_1": 1250015082,

    "name_2": "Lady Gaga",
    "date_2": "1986-03-28",
    "time_2": "22:55",
    "place_id_2": 1840034016,

    "lang": "en",

    "orbs": {
        "opposition": {
            "0": 5,
            "1": 5,
            "default": 3
        "conjunction": 3,
        "trine": 3,
        "square": 3,
        "inconjunct": 3,
        "sextile": 6

Params explanation

Header Value
name The name of the person or event you wish to create a synastry horoscope for
date The (birth)date of the person or event in format YYYY-mm-dd
time The (birth)time of the person or event in format HH:mm
lang The language you wish to receive the astrological interpretation texts associated with the horoscope in. Default: 'nl'
orbs Customise the orbs used for aspect calculation. Default: 'Recommended orbs (see "Orbs")'
Orbs syntax

The comments are added for clarity. Do not use them in your JSON request.

"orbs": { // Customise orbs
    "opposition": { // Specify aspect type
        "0": 5, // Sun. Specify planet ID
        "1": 5, // Moon
        "default": 3 // Default value for unspecified planets
    "conjunction": 3,
    "trine": 3,
    "square": 3,
    "inconjunct": 3,
    "sextile": 6 // Orb value for all planets for a specific aspect type


Example response for Synastry

Full JSON-response File

JSON-object Astrological naming Explanation Custom Text
profile1 Information about Person 1 (The Asker) this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
profile2 Information about Person 2 (The Partner) this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
aspectsVrager Aspects Asker The interplanetary relations in degrees that form bonds. *e.g. 180° = Opposite aspect . These aspects are seen from the viewpoint of Person 1 (The Asker) Yes
aspectsPartner Aspects Asker The interplanetary relations in degrees that form bonds. *e.g. 180° = Opposite aspect . These aspects are seen from the viewpoint of Person 2 (The Partner) Yes
wheel1 Astrological Wheel URL to the generated Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation for Person 1 (The Asker). -
wheel2 Astrological Wheel URL to the generated Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation for Person 2 (The Partner). -
wheel3 Astrological Wheel URL to the generated resulting Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation between Person 1 & Person 2. -

Astrological wheels

    "wheel1": "https://api.bloom.be/images/horo2_1569945903_2a0f459e55ca4633.png",
    "wheel2": "https://api.bloom.be/images/horo2_1569945903_c6f43f69c19fc41b.png",
    "wheel3": "https://api.bloom.be/images/horo2_1569945903_02f0773801196fd5.png"

Person 1 wheel


Person 2 wheel


Synastry (Combined) wheel
