
In astrology, aspects between planets or advanced points are given a margin in which they have an influence. For example, although the trine aspect is 120°, two planets that are 125° (or 115°) apart are still considered to be in trine aspect.

Based on the type of horoscope (natal, solar, transit,...) we use the recommended orbs as following:

Natal Horoscope

Conjunction: 0° +/- 8°

Opposition: 180° +/- 8°

Trine: 120° +/- 8°

Square: 90° +/- 8°

Sextile: 60° +/- 6°

Inconjunct: 150° +/- 4°

Transit Horoscope

Conjunction: 0° +/- 2,6°

Opposition: 180° +/- 2,5°

Trine: 120° +/- 2,3°

Square: 90° +/- 2,3°

Sextile: 60° +/- 2,3°

Synastry Horoscope

Maximal 5 degrees for conjunctions and oppositions with Sun and Moon.

Maximal 3 degrees for other aspects which are related to Sun or Moon (trine, square, sextile).

Maximal 3 degrees for other planets (Mercurius to Pluto).

Solar Return and Lunar Return Horoscope

Maximal 6 degrees of orbs is taken into account.

Composite Horoscope

An orb of 2,5 degrees is taken into account.

Secondary progressions

We use very tight orbs (1°) for Secondary Progressions.